Compliance Without Complications

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Advanced Engineering Concepts

Engineering solution
Not a chemical solution

Environmental benefits
Much less sludge to handle

Safe, efficient, cost effective
No overdosing, precise


The latest technology advances in coagulation, flocculation and dissolved air flotation, now available as an engineering package, guaranteeing performance and compliance in all wastewater treatment applications.

Wastewater Is Not A Waste It Is A Valuable Resource

The EezyDAF wastewater treatment technology process eliminates most conventional  chemical solutions and makes the process redundant.

EezyDAF produces much less sludge with recoveries in the high 90 percentile range, challenging age-old processes. This new approach to wastewater treatment is locally available and supported by a team of experienced engineers.

Nanotech focuses on reducing and eliminating municipal tariffs and penalties for our clients as well as their environmental impact.

The EezyDAF technology will significantly reduce:

  • COD
  • BOD
  • FOG
  • Orthophosphates (P)
  • Ammonia (N)
  • Suspended Solids
  • Metals (Fe, Mn, Cr etc.)

Everything You Need To Know To Make An Informed Decision

What To Do Next?

Call our team if you have any questions. We’re happy to help in any way we can.
Contact us for Sewage Treatment Grey

The results you always wanted.